Oh My Continent, Africa! The Kenya Election & The Political Game
Little things or activities simply elude my continent, Africa.
What is the reason?
I am sure the answer is obvious and immediate.
A little over 14 million voters in Kenya went to the polls to elect their political leaders to man the affairs of the country on their behalf for the next five years.
The main contenders in the just-ended elections were five-time runner, contender, or participant, Raila Odinga. He once served as a Prime Minister. The other contender was William Ruto, the sitting Vice President of the Republic.
Ironically, the gentleman he partnered to win the Presidential elections on two occasions, the current President, Uhuru Kenyatta didn’t support him. He rather supported his key rival in the previous elections, Raila Odinga.
Thank God for the Grund norm or the Constitution of Kenya which was amended to create the office of the Vice President.
That provision has a semblance to Ghana’s Constitution which fortifies the office of the Vice President from being ‘consumed by an overzealous President.
Unlike the office of the Prime Minister which could be dismissed or reshuffled at will by the appointing hand.
The 2022 elections held were over and it has taken the Independent Electoral Commission or Body that supervised the contest over six days to count and do a simple calculation.
The chairman of the body declared William Ruto as victor and his deputy disagreed, describing the calculations as being opaquely done, not transparent.
She and three other members of the body disassociated themselves from the final results as declared by their boss.
They informed the world that the figures as announced by the head of the Commission didn’t tally.
As I scribble this piece, tension is brewing in the country because Raila Odinga has declined to accept the outcome of the elections. As expected, the victor and his supporters are in a jubilant mood. Celebration is galore.
Computing election result too is a wahala in Kenya by an extension the continent.
It is sad and very discouraging.
Africa must accept that until we stop our negative attitudes and display honesty, fairness and truthful, then this circus will continue.
I pray our electoral bodies on the continent will learn lessons from the happenings in Kenya and do the right thing according to the laws of their countries.
Raila Odinga has chosen the legal path to address his concerns, I applaud him for this maturity.
The business of inciting supporters to go on a rampage is archaic and dustbin.
I hope the Constitutional Court in Kenya will decide the matter fairly to satisfy the potential parties in the intended matter.
The court should continue to be a forum for the resolution of disputes, especially electoral and criminal ones.
Alternative Dispute Resolution methods like negotiations, mediation, and arbitration can satisfy civil wrongs or matters.
There must be peace in Kenya and Africa.
Elections should not be the weapons 🔫 for destruction.
Elections should rather be tools to all to make their choices independently.
Ahmed Osumanu Halid