The Energy Minister, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, has charged the senior national team, the Black Stars, to go all out and make Ghana proud as they play their first group stage match against Portugal at the Qatar 22 World Cup.
“The whole Ghana and other countries are solidly behind you to beat Portugal and I know you will deliver. Don’t see your opponent as bigger because you have what it takes to beat them,’’ he said in a message.
Dr. Prempeh, who is a football enthusiast, said that the team must be guided by history, as in Germany 2006, the Czech Republic were placed far ahead of Ghana in the FIFA ranking, but the Black Stars beat them in the first match.
“Portugal are ranked higher than us, but with the quality of players we have, I know they will fall tomorrow,’’ he said.
He said: “I have been following the team and with the unity of purpose that has been displayed so far in camp, I trust that the team will deliver.’’

Hon Mathew Opoku Prempreh

Dr. Prempeh, popularly called Napo, said the Black Stars should not allow themselves to be intimidated by big names in the Portuguese team but face them squarely.
“Football is all about playing to instructions and game plan and the victory will come as expected,’’ he said.
He called on Ghanaians to rally behind the team and offer the maximum support, as support plays crucial role in football.
“We are behind you, shine for yourselves and shine for Ghana,’’ Dr. Prempeh said.

Source: Contributor

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