Dear Nyaaba,
I went by my cobbler’s yesterday, to get him arrange another bout of lives into my long suffering shoes.

Upon seeing one in particular, he said, “Mon Ami, you like this shoe Paa”. He was right, in just one month, that was its second visit to his shop.

Nyaaba, I am sure you have surmised that my cobbler speaks French, that’s because he is half Togolais and half Ghanaian and like many others, had their education on the other side of the imaginary line.

I have known him some five years now and have managed in those years to get him make me some shoes too. Simply stated, Nico is very gifted with his hands. In the right hands, and with the relevant liquidity, he would be an industry In himself.

The Author: Kasise Ricky Peprah

It is this yearning for a ”cashful” benefactor that has led him on so many occasions to urge me run for Parliament. Yesterday he said to me, “just go to Parliament so that I can come to your office and sit in Aircondition.

As usual I outlined what to him have become “excuses” and at the tail end I said that God should empower me so I can make sure to let the goodies reach those who truly need them.

After a while, he said, Mon ami, ”je sais “(I know), but you will have to do the knocking for the opportunity yourself”.

I have not stopped thinking over his demure chiding, his poignant observation, his brutally frank prescription.

Nyaaba, I now know that hope alone is not enough, maybe even cowardly, something more deliberate needs to be done.

Not only did my cobbler knock my shoes back into shape, he also knocked some sense into my head.
Merci mon ami!

Your “embravened” descendant
The hourrebel Siriguboy.

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