The article has been written for the purpose of recognizing the identities of the American Slaves and her Descendants as natives from the Republic of the United States of America from 1776-1862, until this present day. The Descendants of American Slaves have been suffering under the black code laws of the Defacto Federal Government of the United States of America since 1871 to our present day.

Main focus of this treaty; the cause of American Slave Nation will be presented to the United Nations, according to the agreement of the new Haitian parliament, the judiciary and the executive powers.

This geo politic treaty between the American Slave nation and the Free Haitian nation since 1804, will create a New narrative for the next generation. Being officially recognized as a nation state frees the American Slave people from extinction to live out their creed and purpose to usher in the kingdom of Heaven and help save our world from destruction. For Haiti two things will be important to present American Slave Nation:

  • Firstly, to strengthen/consolidate our national and constitutional identity within the UN,
  • Secondly, the preservation of cooperation, peace, civility justice and citizenship between our two nations.


Concerning the Refoundation process, Haïti Program is inspired by God’s Kingdom purpose through Jesus Christ, and by following the cultural historic efforts of our ancestors.

(“When our Fathers Broke Their Chains”) was the unofficial national anthem of Haiti from 1893 to 1903. The lyrics were written by Oswald Durand, a Haitian writer and poet.

“To tread this earth happily: We need the austere motto: God! Work! Freedom!”

God is the foundation of the new Haiti in Jesus Christ to transform and change our divine nation by restoring the order of Melchizedek.

This refoundation national Haitian program follows a new economy’s agenda for all, namely, “Purple Economy “; Which program has been based on the following keys: justice, peace, economic and social welfare’s integrity. Thus, replacing formally, legally “the black code” of the Noah slavery order to the Melchizedek order under the “purple code”.

“Vision Haiti Horizon 2054” defend the 7 PILLARS FOCUS PROGRAMS TO BUILD HAITI:
● Prophetic Refoundation
● Economic Refoundation
● Institutional Refoundation
● Civic Refoundation
● Social Refoundation
● Territorial Refoundation
● International Cooperation Refoundation
The cost of this program to fund approximate $1,000 Trillions Dollars.

In 2050 will be the fifth Jubilee of Haiti since national independence, which implies the 250th anniversary. This gives a right to spiritual, formal and material freedom.

American Slave Nation “Vision”
We, Descendants of American Slaves, Believe In The Necessity Of Claiming Our Birthright & Inheritance To Establish The Kingdom Of God That Ensures The (Economic) Empowerment Of Our Families, Communities, And The World For The Commonwealth Of All Humanity.


To Teach Kingdom Of Economic Principles, Culture, Values, And Identity To Manifest The American Slave Nation.

American Slave Nation is concern about the instability, economic, social and political issues Haiti faces after their fight for freedom.
We, by this treaty are concerned by the Haitians Descendants of Slaves issues and we are looking forward to seeing how we can collaborate to make a positive, significant and inspirational difference.

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