MP for North Dayi Equips BECE Candidates with Maths Sets and Wish them Best of Luck
As usual of her, the hon MP this morning visited the three examination centres in her constituency and provided for them necessary tools to use in writing the exams.
She gave each pupil 10gh each for the day’s feeding whilst 100gh each for the invigilators to feed in the week
Hon Joycelyn Tetteh has encouraged the pupils to put up their best performance to pass their exams, and she will on her part shall provide for them Mattresses, Chop boxes, Groceries,Books, and all the necessary needed items of those who will pass their exams for admission into the various Senior High Schools.
Last year, Hon Joycelyn provided for all BECE Candidates who passed their exams and got admissions into the various SHSs items of needs as mentioned above.
This kind gesture has motivated the pupils to perform well in this time examination so they can also get the supports.

This year’s BECE starts on Monday, 7th August, 2023.
A total of eight hundred and thirty seven(837) candidates are sitting for the Exams in the District
A total of thirty seven (37) invigilators plus one(1) district exams coordinator for three(3) centres namely; Vastech, Vasec and Anfoesec.
Hon Joycelyn was thankful to the teachers for their resolve to help take educational performance of the district high by preparing them pupils for the exams . To the invigilators, she pleaded with to not be harsh on the children to dim their esteem and confidence.
Hon Joycelyn Tetteh taking education high in North Dayi Constituency.

Source: Contributor