Who is Looking for Speaker Bagbin?
I have observed, over the past few days, the activities of some emasculated rascals and fanatics from the Jubilee House on various social media platforms in a bid to ‘busy’ themselves from their idleness. That’s fine!
To start with, it was my original intention not to give this kind of publication any attention whatsoever! However, in the interest of sound public discourse, I find myself pushed to the edge of providing guidance to these guys on whatever they seem to be looking for.
The first observation that needs to be addressed is a flyer that was posted by government appointees like Charles Nii Teiko Tagoe and other recruited fanatics on their propaganda-driven Facebook walls with the hush tag #WhereIsTheSpeaker #RecallParliamentNow.
On this flyer, the name of the Speaker was spelt BABGIN instead of BAGBIN signaling further how these pages have been deployed ostensibly to propagate falsehood, ignite hatred and do the bidding of their paymasters. At the very least, the rule is that you must know the name of the person you are looking for! If you cannot spell the person’s name and details correctly, tell me how and where you hope to find him or her. The name of the Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana is not BABGIN? I am sure whoever sent them on this errand may have sent them to look for someone else and not Speaker BAGBIN. This is the reason I decided not to treat it with any seriousness when I first came across it.
Given that they genuinely didn’t know how to correctly spell the Speaker’s name, there is no doubt that they did not set out on their own mission but rather a fan fool journey to satisfy the ill motives of their assignees who may rather be less courageous to openly attack the enviable office of the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana.
Now that we have established the sort of people behind this artwork and articles circulating on the planted pages and media outlets, it begs for answers to the question of who in the Jubilee House is looking for the Speaker and for what purpose?
It is instructive to note that, the Rt Hon Speaker of Parliament does not operate from the Jubilee House where one would deploy a non-functioning Performance Tracker to identify him, nor is he a glorified economist now hiding in the shadows of digitalisation to be pinned from a satellite.
His officially recognized office is situated in an over 60 years old building that has hosted some of the most important figures of our budding democracy and should not be lost on any well-meaning Ghanaian who without malice is actually looking for him.
The last time the Speaker granted audience to a student group in his audacious office, he met with youth from the political tradition these emasculated rascals source their allegiance from and indeed at this meeting with NPP TESCON Executives from Valley View University he admonished them to be respectful and eschew acts that may have the tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society. He also met with the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International who are this weekend April 20, 2024 conferring on him the prestigious Distinguished Footprints Award for Leadership in Politics and Governance.
A cursory look at Parliament’s Facebook Page will provide details of all these meetings and other activities of the Rt Hon Speaker available for public consumption.
It is shamefully obvious that, these gang do not even understand why Parliament went on recess on March 20, this year. And so, just to set the record straight, let them be informed that, Parliament has a schedule it follows on its annual calendar. The Executive arm does not order Parliament on how it conducts its business, neither can the Judiciary impose a schedule on them. When the Judiciary goes on legal vacation, the Speaker does not order them to continue sitting to hear pending cases. Therefore, the propaganda being forced down the throat of unsuspecting readers must be situated in law and logic otherwise you know the consequence.
The decision to reconvene Parliament requires a strict adherence to the established procedures in order to ensure that parliamentary proceedings align with democratic principles and represent the interests of the Ghanaian people.
Remember when MPs go on recess, it is not for nothing, they are supposed to perform certain important duties mostly in their constituencies while others travel on international assignments all in the interest of the country. To recall them means there is a very compelling reason. For instance, to transact an urgent national business. Those asking for Parliament to be recalled, tell me what is the compelling reason or the urgent national business that has been communicated to the Speaker?
If the Executive wants Parliament recalled, the procedure is simple. The members of Parliament must petition the Speaker, in accordance with the Constitution and the Standing Orders of Parliament or appeal to the Speaker giving cogent and convincing reasons for the recall.
Instead of employing the services of a graphic designer to produce such worthless flyers, the “brains” behind this child’s play must appraise themselves with what the rule says.
I will advise them to CEASE AND DESIST from such unpatriotic behaviors as I can assure them that it will yield them no good.
By: Peter Bamfo